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The first two books of the A Farewell to Anxiety series are available!

Click on the cover of each book to go to AMAZON , KOBO or GOOGLE PLAY where you can buy them in eBook and paperback version.

Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen! - book cover

Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen! – book cover

Looking for Happiness? Look Inside! - Book Cover

Looking for Happiness? Look Inside! – Book Cover

Post Tenebras Lux _ ebook cover

Post Tenebras Lux _ ebook cover














The first title of the A Farewell to Anxiety series, Awake, Arise! or be forever fallen, is now available on Google Play , Kobo or Amazon

With this book, the author seeks to inspire readers to be themselves, take control of their lives, and live a purposeful existence, instead of living at the mercy of other people’s wishes. However, none of that can ever be achieved until we learn to see our real self, and ultimately accept ourselves as we really are, and not as others expect us to be. Page after page, readers will witness the fall, the awakening, and the rise of the author, and join him in his inspiring journey from self-destruction to self-actualization.

This book carries a message of hope for all: that a better life is possible, regardless of your situation, and that you already have everything you need to live it. It’s all there in your mind.

Spanish artist and designer Alicia Varela has designed the cover and beautifully illustrated this book. Her artwork – soft and nuanced, but compelling – conveys perfectly the deep meaning of the book.


The second title of the A Farewell to Anxiety series, Looking for happiness? Look inside!, is now available on Google Play , Kobo or Amazon in paperback and eBook formats!

With this book, the author seeks to show readers how to overcome the two main obstacles to happiness: attachment and anxiety. Readers will see that detachment and the ability to stop worrying are neither gifts of the chosen, nor inborn talents reserved for a few, but skills that can be learned at any moment in life, regardless of our situation.

The solution is in your hands: let this book help you drop the ballast of your worries and glide smoothly through life! Don’t wait until it’s too late: it’s now or never!

The cover design is by Alicia Varela, a great friend and artist. Alberto Vezendi


Post Tenebras Lux , la version française de mon premier livre est déjà disponible sur Amazon , Kobo et Google Play en format broché et livre électronique.

Ce livre se veut le porteur d’un message d’espoir : qu’une vie meilleure est possible, quelle que soit votre situation, et que vous avez déjà tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour la vivre. Tout est en vous.

On entre en anorexie comme on entre en religion. Il faut s’y donner corps et âme, toujours faire plus pour satisfaire l’ogre qui est en nous, sans jamais y parvenir. Toujours plus maigre, coûte que coûte, telle est sa devise.

Puis un jour, dans un état proche du suicide, après des années de souffrances inutiles, le cerveau ressent un déclic miraculeux : « Arrête ! Tu vas mourir ! » Commence alors le long chemin vers une lumière différente, sa propre lumière.

C’est ce parcours que l’auteur nous conte, sans pathos et avec réalisme, en décrivant précisément les étapes, le cheminement de la pensée, la lente descente aux enfers, le refus de la vie, puis la résurrection. L’auteur veut partager cette renaissance car il la sait désormais possible pour tous. Comment ? En regardant les choses différemment, en leur donnant un autre angle, tout est en nous.


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