Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen! finalist in the 2019 SPR Book Awards

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Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen! finalist in the 2019 SPR Book Awards


I’m glad to announce that my book Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen! has been chosen among the finalists in the 2019 SPR Book Awards!


Awake_arise_cover -amazon bestseller + SPR finalist badges

From its very inception, the deeper meaning of Awake, Arise, or be Forever Fallen! was to help people choose life over death in all circumstances — and to choose life not merely as the preservation of our biological existence, but to deliberately and positively choose to live fully every single second of our lives.

In less than one year, three people I knew well had put an end to their lives. And although each one of them had a different personality, lived in a different country, and had their own particular set of circumstances, they had nevertheless several things in common. They were all great people, intelligent, full of life, and none of them lacked any of the essentials for living a happy life. They had wonderful families, a good job, good health, and had all the freedom in the world to change their circumstances, instead of taking an irreversible step. And yet, that’s what they did.

Since people who seem to have everything in life choose to die, while other people who have nothing choose to survive against all odds and live, the purpose of life cannot reside in a person’s circumstances, possessions, or relations, but somewhere else. And that “somewhere else” can only be inside. The purpose of life, therefore, must be inherent in every human being.

We’re all here for a reason. Every single manifestation of life on earth has a deeper meaning which makes it worth living in spite of all adversity. But we have to find that meaning!

Having had suicidal tendencies myself, I know that the choice is not always easy. But life is worth living; and having chosen life each time, I’ve never regretted my choice. On the contrary. Looking back, I would have missed so many wonderful days of sheer happiness, so many blissful hours, so many enriching experiences… in short, I would have missed all the beauty and magic of this magnificent thing that we call life.