No limits!

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No limits!

When we believe in ourselves, the dream of realizing a possibility becomes the possibility of realizing a dream.

JFK, based on a quote by Bernard Shaw, said once: “Some men see things as they are and say, why; I dream things that never were and say, why not”. This simple affirmation changed the life of many people in the world: upon this principle the dream of realizing a possibility becomes the possibility of realizing a dream. To me JFK, and his brother, RFK were, above all, an inspiring example of men that pursued and realized their original thinking against all odds.

For sure they were neither the first, nor the last, but just two examples in the long list of men and women that changed the course of history. From Lao Tze, Buddha and Jesus Christ, all the way to Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, Luther King and many more.

What had all these men in common? It was neither their knowledge, nor their education, nor the environment in which they happened to be born. What these men shared was a relentless commitment to their dreams and the trust to make them real. They all fought for their ideals without regard for their own security, because they knew that the very meaning of their lives depended upon their fighting for their dream. In other words, their dream WAS their life. All of them were willing to live outside of their comfort zone, knowing that risk is a requirement for success. All of them were persecuted, assassinated, or both, but they proved that even their death could not vanquish their ideals, for they still live with us.

We live in a world that makes a goal of the average, denying the value of living off the mean curve. In school, original thinking is seldom rewarded, if at all, even in the so-called progressive liberal schools, where the parameters of the admissible may well be somewhat laxer, but they exist nevertheless.

Dare to be different, dare to be yourself, and raise your children on positives: train their mind to accept naturally that everything is possible for them… and it sure will be!

Florida freedom - Vezendi

Running free in Florida

The one word that should be eradicated from our vocabulary is “impossible”: first, because it is a lie, second, because all it does is harm. These two assertions bear repeating:

First, “impossible” is a lie, an aberration to logic, for nothing can be empirically proven to be impossible: i. All that can be proven is that a given fact exceeds the -rather limited- boundaries of both our human, and our machine-enlarged perception of reality. “Impossible” has been proven wrong time and again all along history, but our brain-washing education forces us to hang on to our limits and we still prefer to accept that “the impossible” is a valid excuse just not to try to pursue our dreams. I won’t analyze here the motives, they are well known and it’s not the purpose of this reflection: suffice to say that it requires less mental effort to condemn than to think.

I won’t either dwell upon the long list of instances in which the impossible became possible, but let’s just remember that our planet used to be flat, it used to be the center of the universe, or that until the beginning of the 20th century humanity denied the possibility of being able to fly until the Wright brothers proved them all wrong.

Luckily the revolution ignited by the advent of quantum physics is evolving and eroding the limits of time and space.

Second: even seen only from a practical perspective, “impossible” does not pass the test of usefulness. This very concept is not only unpractical and redundant, but -worse than that- is outright negative. Accepting that something is impossible will push you not to even try, and that will set your limits in life for good. Period.

From our early childhood we are bombarded with the idea that some things are “impossible”, and we know that our subconscious mind will take for granted anything that is repeated a sufficient number of times.

Frog's eggs. Vezendi

Discover your potential. Be different! Vezendi

From our early childhood we are bombarded with the idea that some things are “impossible”, and we know that our subconscious mind will take for granted anything that is repeated a sufficient number of times. Then, the seed of impossibility will inexorably grow in our minds, its roots will develop deeper and deeper in the fertile ground of our necessarily simple, binary subconscious mind, until it will be too late to even accept the thought of uprooting this cancer from our mind. “Impossible” will flourish in our brain, putting limits to our creativity, and eventually shrinking our conscious realm of existence to doing what everyone else does, to following the masses.

It’s never too late to change, but it takes a whole lot of commitment. I sometimes envy computers: you format the HD, or just delete unproductive corrupt data, and that’s all you need to improve its performance. You rewrite wrong commands into good ones, and in a matter of seconds everything is working again. For us, humans, it takes more time and effort, but it can be done. Just the same as all these self-limiting instructions have been forced into your mind along the line by peer pressure and repetition, you can erase them for good just with the same technique: repeating to yourself that there is NOTHING you cannot do. But you have to be persistent: every day, every hour, every minute in your life devote time to removing all the instructions that do not empower you. It takes commitment, a pledge to the realization of all your ideals, but you will succeed: you will end up obliterating those subjugating thoughts for good.

I have more to say, but it would be too long for a post like this and I don’t want to stretch your already generous patience as readers, so my last words for today:

Do not trust anyone telling you that your objectives are impossible: again, it’s a lie, and furthermore it does not empower you.

Finally, dare to be different, dare to be yourself, and raise your children on positives, train their mind to accept naturally that everything is possible for them… and it sure will be!
