Canadá 2019: entre osos y salmones – Segunda parte

*** aquí comienza la segunda parte del blog: Canadá 2019: entre osos y salmones *** ++ This blog is only available in Spanish, at least for now… but the pictures speak a universal language! Enjoy ++ 2019_07_27 Redstreak – Parque Nacional Kootenay El día amanece frío y nublado. Desayunamos y nos ponemos en marcha: para

Children fishing in the beachpools.

On children, fishing and personal development

On children, fishing and personal development I still remember my first sea-fishing day with my  father. I will never forget when I first saw the ocean: I stood there staring in the cold winter morning, paralyzed by the mighty roar of waves dissolving into a ghostly haze as they crashed on the shore. That vision